Calvary Lutheran School is dedicated to providing a high quality, Christ centered education to its students. We strive to keep our rates reasonable so that any family who wants to send their child(ren) to Calvary are financially able to do so. For specific rates for attending Calvary, please contact us. We are happy to review our financial rates and plans in order to meet your family's needs.
Calvary Lutheran School is considered an Indiana School of Choice. We accept vouchers from the state in an effort to assure that anyone who wants to attend Calvary can do so. For more information about Indiana's School of Choice Voucher program, please visit their website or click here for the guidelines of the program.
Calvary also offers financial aid to families who may not qualify for the Voucher program through SGO's. Please feel free to call us anytime and we will be glad to discuss financial options available to your family.
In addition, we hope you will find the Calvary Financial Aid link located on the right side of this page helpful as you pursue financial aid options available at Calvary Lutheran School.
We are available anytime at 317-783-2305.